Monday, December 19, 2005

Jesus Is In My Vacuum Cleaner

These are the times I’m glad I don’t worship idols. I had a reasonably nice complete little crèche set until Saturday. The cat ate Joseph’s head then batted the baby Jesus and manger under the couch. Somehow (probably the cat again), Jesus got out from under the couch and I’m reasonably sure I vacuumed him up. Hence, Jesus is residing in the vacuum bag until further notice.

Either that or he’s missing altogether.

Either option is distressing.

Both of these options would be much more distressing if I believed little plastic Jesus was the all-powerful god of the Bible.

So here’s another thing related to the situation. When I was talking to Emily about this before heading to Brighton on Saturday night, she got this look on her face I’ve seen all too often on the faces of many friends over my life time and only just now begun to interpret. It’s the “I don’t get it, but keep talking and I’ll probably clue in in a minute” look. I have to ask myself, am I proud that that love me enough to hold on and figure me out? Should I be flattered I’m interesting enough to figure out? Am I just an ultra-odd being?

Whatever, I liked the wedding last night.


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