Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sunday & Stressed

Today I feel tense. I'll go get some excercise shortly and hopefully remove some of that, but overall I am stressed.
There's an issue with my MA degree. Pray it gets resolved in my favor. Otherwise, I don't know what I'll do.
I did get to talk to Tom today. It's strange to hear my 26 year old baby bro sounding so grown up and doing so much in so many countries so far away. I am not however the best conversationalist at the moment as I am S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D. Still it was good to hear his voice and find out how he's doing.
Continuing, tomorrow is the first day of school. I've been so busy I haven't even had time to have teacher dreams (these are the dreams in which I walk in prepared to teach English and discover I have been assigned to teach AP Physics. Or have no pants. Or forget to go to school).

On the bright side, Yi helped me set up my room on Friday so it really is ready to go, I almost have enough subs I trust to cover my year and she also loaned me Searching for God Knows What which is the sequel to Blue Like Jazz (which I have not read) and I hope will not be as disappointing as Wild at Heart (Yes, yes, men are meant to be wild and I need to be supportive of that animalistic need to take risks. Rarrh.).
I also partially despotted the carpet in the living room. I feel accomplished.


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