Return of the Being
Oh my. It has been two weeks and I have been reading blogs for the past hour and my but you’ve been leading interesting lives and I am back and have finished torturing a beloved little old man and went to an oat/meat product festival and an art museum in the middle of the night and “O” and saw dead Chinese people sitting around without their skins on and played poker at the neighborhood casino for a whopping nickel a pop and wore out a piece of my car and had it fixed for mucho dinero and rode the bus without a map to both drop it off and pick it up even though I had to borrow money from a homeless guy to get home and got called a honky and sat on an airplane for many hours next to icky old men who still had dents where their wedding rings usually are and wanted to “rank my winnings” and got a speeding ticket and bought a dress and now I am home ready to enter into the cavalcade of wedding activities that persists until October 28 and must festoon gifts with exciting ribbons and mail that gift certificate I’ve been meaning to since June and be glad the cat has quit yowling her displeasure about my leaving her for two weeks and try to convince her that installing herself up against what would be my chin and my chest inhibits my breathing and she should be glad for any cuddling and be satisfied with my legs. .Did it rain while I was gone?
And then in the airport in Atlanta I walked from terminal A to terminal D which was very good for me at 5:15am EDT, but hurt a lot because I was on PST which made it 2:15 and the disembodied announcer person kept announcing the ENTIRE LIST of newly-banned substances in English and then in Spanish (which was especially funny because I had made it through security with a tube of hydrocortisone cream on accident) in betwixt playing Michael Bolton at many more decibels than he warrants playing. This is what I know about Michael Bolton:
A) He has long flowing locks desperately in need of Regina’s attention
B) He is wildly popular in upscale establishments in Zimbabwe.
C) He seems to have paid off the same people who made David Hasselhoff a celebrity sex symbol.
D) His music pretty much sucks no matter when, but especially at 5:15 in the morning in the acoustical paradise that is an airport subway tunnel.
And then all that was open to eat at was a Starbucks and a Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog stand. Guess which one was popular? I opted for the many-hours-old and much-bashed-up apple in my purse. I’m going back to work on Tuesday. Huh. And I had an intense spiritual moment at weight watchers yesterday that has nothing to do with my weight. I will share it when I post pictures. BTW:
MWWW= -.75
TotalWWW= -5.5
My my...perhaps this blog could be renamed “The fabulous, slightly out of the ordinary, and always entertaining adventures of Meg.” Or would that be too long?
That first paragraph, THE longest sentence I have ever read :)
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