Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Just Another Manic Wednesday

Stress is winding down and I am a happy camper... four more instructional days and three exam days. Then grading exams. Then grading tenth grade assessments. Ok. Maybe I'm only mostly almost done. But it feels good anyway.

So it was a great weekend. Katie and Steve are now another set of Mr. & Mrs. Lilly, David got to meet yet another set of everyones and we danced like very happy maniacs. Sigh. Such fun.

Sunday we met Amy for church, saw his family (I like them!) and headed out to Nordhouse Dunes for a bit of R & R. It was lovely, we both got burned and the doggie got much better at "come" (and believing I have some authority past simply having opposable thumbs). He was also pretty good in the tent--only kicked me a couple of times and only walked on my face once (hey, even the cat doesn't do that well some nights).

Monday we hiked up and down the beach and got burned. Then drove home in the scary traffic.

Now to fully apprecite the situation you need to know the last time I drove a stick was in Zimbabwe on the left side of the road. The time before that was just after high school on a truck. Needless to say both David and I were glad to find it was pretty easy to remember--him because it meant he only had to drive back to Cincinnati instead of all eight-plus hours and me because I hate being bad at things that could potentially cause the death of me and others.

But there's more. 'long about the time we hit stop-and-go traffic on the highway, Grayson started farting. Horrible, racid, knock-the-breath-out-of-you farts. Farts to make other dogs cower. This might have been useful on the beach to keep flies and other buggery away, but in a enclosed space, it was, um, much less than welcome.

So picture yourself stopped in the car next to us, looking out and seeing this: a young couple in a small car. He's trying to explain the term "riding the clutch" to her while she seems to be wrestling an alligator in her lap (this is me trying to get the thing into and out of first without stalling and with neither foot touching the floor--bad angle on the pedals. All of a sudden they get panicked looks on their faces and begin wildly rolling down the windows, shutting off the air conditioning and gasping for air. The windows roll up, the guy pulls out a question book, the car goes forward ten feet, the car stalls, the car jumps to life, the windows desperately roll down, wait, roll up, they talk, the car inches forward. Repeat for five miles. Mmm... it was fun anyway.

Yesterday we had the memorial for the girls. I cried a little. There was some very bad poetry, very good music and a bit of messy grief. And the world continues onward.

So I took this test ('cause I'm a teacher and like tests. Not really, but oh well). The only thing that concerns me is that I have "average masculinity". I'm consoled by the fact I have "very high femininity", but I have to wonder who's defining femininity and masculinity here? I don't think I do maleness very well. So there.

Advocating Creator


At 4:18 PM, Blogger Brandi said...

Don't feel bad, I managed to get high masculinity and average femininity.

I think they basically associate reserve, autonomy, and intellectual/functional (as opposed to emotional/intuitive) interactional styles as being masculine.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger The Sasquatch said...

What does it mean if, like me, you scored low on both masculinity and femininity? Does that make you androgynous? Am I a robot? I scored high on spontaneity, so I guess that makes me a spontaneous robot.

That's a good name for a band. Spontaneous Robot!

My girlfriend lives in Cincinnati, and it is also my hometown (although I don't currently live there), so I understand what its like to get stuck in traffic (DAMN YOU I-75!). We were in Toronto over the weekend, though, so we got to experience a transit workers strike in the fifth largest city on the north american continent. It wasn't fun. I can assure you of that.

I did get a Vernon Wells Bobblehead doll, though.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Me said...

Oh my.

Brandi, you are not a guy. I'm quite sure of this. You looked remarkably good in a dress in December. It seems that it's goign back to the old women-are-flaky thing in the female bit. How odd. Same issue I have with Wild at Heart, even though I do believe men need to conquer things, often using expensive peices of technology that go boom. Or that might just be my brother.

Joe, You may have had an exotic international incident, but I still win. I had a farting dog. How's the play going?


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