Wednesday, August 03, 2005

If you give a kitten a marshmallow...

She's having a lot of fun with it. Which works out well for me because I was getting frustrated with her for continuously jumping on my keyboard as I try to type up the last of my MA stuff. How did I find this marshmallow? It was quietly hiding in the back of my cupboard by a can of tomato soup I had been saving for a stressful time such as this. It's a mini marshmallow.
Two snippets for you today:
From Matt Katz's column (I read him when I need a goofy view on dating hell):
"According to Money magazine, German singles go to Wal-Mart on Friday nights and put a red bow on their shopping cart. This has the dual purpose of helping singles find each other and making them feel as humiliated as possible as they spend Friday night with a bow on their cart shopping for dates at Wal-Mart.
If the bow thing doesn't work, singles also meet up at different "flirting points" offering sales on romantic items such as chocolate and, uh, cheese.
Moving on to a topic unrelated to eating milk products at dating events in mega-retail stores, let's talk polygamy."
From Well-Travled in Slate Magazine:
"Now, it's my belief that the State Department is comprised of well-meaning ninnies. Like the father of a luscious 16-year-old, the State Department is happiest when we're at home. I don't plan on being an "incident" used to terrify other travelers. But I'm a woman. Women need to "maintain security awareness" every time we go to the grocery store. To my knowledge, no one is issuing warnings about the perils of venturing to Wal-Mart."
Wal-Mart has featured heavily in my personal reading this week.
I have finished my soup and the kitten has the marshmallow ground into the fuzz behind her ear. Sigh.
I really want to go out for breakfast on Friday and have some of those fruit crepes Bob Evans has been advertising. Such little ambitions.
Current Mood:
Current Music:
Sticky kitten yowls


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