Friday, September 23, 2005

My House Last Night:

5:15pm: Leave school after Oklahoma! crew & build planning to go check out the fog at Hawk Island.

5:26pm: Get hit by torrential rainstorm, assume fog will be gone. Drive home fearing for life due to other drivers who seem to have forgotten what to do with non-dry roads.

5:55pm: Order Szechwan at high prices for home delivery instead of cheap pizza. REALLY look forward to eating. Debug my laptop. Wonder why it has porn issues. Be glad for pop-up blockers.

6:15pm: Dinner company arrives in the form of Mark.

6:30pm: Food arrives. Eat. Enjoy fortune in fortune cookie; “Your feet shall touch the soils of many lands”. Play with varying meanings of “soil” mentally.

7:30pm: Receive call to pick up small grey dog for the weekend. Question my sanity and wonder what the effects will be on small calico cat.

8:00pmish: Pick up small grey dog, Mark in tow (he picks up a wedding video he produced).

8:10ish: Arrive home with small wet grey dog, video and Mark. Watch cat puff up to twice her normal size (is she inflatable? No, just extra puffy. Apparently dog acts as a natural fluffing agent). Realize cat looks silly, not threatening, when puffed as such.

8:12ish: Pop in video so Mark can enjoy his work.

8:30ish: Get caught watching wedding video by person dropping off food for dog. Feel slightly odd about the situation in the same way the girls from Friends did when they got caught trying on wedding dresses, but not that extreme.

8:31ish-11ish: Talk and goof off. Watch dog ignore cat and try to snack on her feces. Watch cat un-puff and re-puff while doing everything but ignore dog.

11:15pm: Take Blue Like Jazz and go to bed. Cat and dog both want in bed with me, definitely without each other. Small tussle ensues in the region of my knees. Dog heads to kitchen, cat heads to spare room. I shut each into his or her chosen location. Cat yowls. Dog yips. I pat. Then I go to bed.

New plan: to keep cat off counter, keep dog in kitchen.

5:15am: Cat is singing. Dog is sleeping. Cat goes out. Dog goes out. I go shower.

5: 30am: Get out of shower and hear much dog barking. In robe and towel, go out to get dog. Neighbors’ friend is skulking by her door. Speaks while I speak to dog. Scares crap out of me. NF wants to pet dog. Dog obliges. Dog, me, robe and towel go back inside. Cat is MIA.

6:00am: Cat comes in. Dog asks if he may taste her. She says no. Dog attempts to taste her anyway. Cat appears on top of refrigerator. Me: “Well, this is new….” Wet dog sits on my foot, pleading for another taste of cat. Decide to make coffee. Pack lunch. Feed cat. Feed dog. Forget to feed self.

6:20: Put lunch in bag, dog in kitchen, coffee in travel mug, brain in head, feet in shoes, key in lock, cat in hand. Engage in sport of kitten tossing. Off to school.


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